A : What is this Server for?
Q : This server purpose is to collect payments to buy any courses with the cheapest price. we bought it together (groupbuy - GB) to get the cheapest price as possible.
🌟 For example, we have a course cost $1000, so we will need 25 participants and $40/ participant to get the course from the official seller. That’s how GB works
A : How is the content purchased or acquired?
Q : Our content, is purchased and acquired through many routes. Routes such as the original sellers of the product, as well as resellers that buy and resell exclusive courses in the masses. Our priority believes that the ends justify the means. Ofcourse we would love to contribute and motivate the authors, but in some cases, it can be a challenge to acquire the funds for such courses. In this case, we acquire them off the unregulated, black market of knowledge and information.
Q : I'm new member, whats should i do first?
A : Please check our 📝︱𝖱ule⋆𝖠nd⋆𝖥𝖠𝖰𝖲
Q : Can I request any course?
A : Any course, book, scan, DVD, Video or any route of knowledge can be requested at the users discretion. Others can vote on a users course request. Once enough votes are gathered, we will go ahead and take action, and organize the course purchase process - Normally, a groupbuy will need at least 10 pảticipants to buy the course at the best price and as quickly as possible.
Q : How do I join Ongoing groupbuys?
A : You can easily join any ongoing groupbuy by typing "In" (without the quotation marks) which will add you as a participant to the groupbuy, paying a partial amount, that is shared across all participants
⚠️ Note: There will be penalties for those who type "In" but then do not pay. We will warn you the first time, if you do it again, you will be permanently kicked out of the community. Please take note of this.
Q : Any other benefit to join ongoing gb earlier?
A : yes, by joining ongoing gb you will help to make gb price cheaper - The Gb price of the course will increase by 30%-50% after the course is purchased by early members
Q : Did you put any additional watermark ?
A : Yes, currently there are many sellers and resellers out there, however, there are few good ones and many bad ones so we will watermark the corner of the video so people can identify us and buy the course from the best source.
Q : if i miss to join ongoing gb, can i still buying the course?
A: yes you can by from Ready to deliver list category, but as I mentioned above, the price of GB will increase by 30% - 50% after the course is successfully purchased, so try to be the first to buy to get the best price. Q : what should i do if i have another question ?
A : you can DM @amandabynes or post it at ❓︱𝖲uport⋆𝖢enter